Amazon Aurora Simplified: What You Need to Know

October 1, 2024
min read


In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses need databases that are scalable, fast, and reliable. Amazon Aurora is a powerful database service that fits these needs perfectly. It is fully managed by AWS and combines the high performance of commercial databases with the affordability of open-source ones. Compatible with both MySQL and PostgreSQL, Aurora offers exceptional speed, automated management, and advanced features to handle modern application demands. In this blog post, we'll explore what Amazon Aurora is, how it works, its key benefits, how it compares to Amazon RDS, and we'll also break down the pricing factors involved. This information will help you make an informed choice for your database requirements.

What is Amazon Aurora

Source: Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora is a fully managed relational database service that is compatible with both MySQL and PostgreSQL. It is engineered to deliver the performance and availability of high-end commercial databases while maintaining the affordability and simplicity of open-source solutions. With Aurora, you can use your existing MySQL and PostgreSQL tools, applications, and code without requiring significant modifications.

One of the standout features of Aurora is its high-performance storage subsystem, designed to optimize data handling and speed. The service also automates and streamlines some of the most complex aspects of database management, such as clustering and replication. This automation simplifies database configuration and administration, allowing you to focus more on your applications and less on operational overhead.

How Does Amazon Aurora Work

Source: Amazon Aurora DB clusters

Amazon Aurora operates using a cluster-based architecture designed to enhance performance, scalability, and availability. An Aurora database cluster consists of a primary database instance, up to 15 Aurora Replica instances, and a shared cluster volume that manages the data for these instances. The cluster volume is a virtual storage layer that spans multiple Availability Zones (AZs), providing fault tolerance and high availability for global applications. Each AZ contains a copy of the cluster's data, ensuring redundancy and data durability.

Primary Database Instance

Source: How to set up a single pgpool endpoint for reads and writes with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

The primary database instance in an Aurora cluster is responsible for write operations and serves read operations as well. However, for performance optimization, the read workload can be distributed across both the primary instance and the Aurora Replicas. The primary instance handles data modifications and updates to the cluster volume, ensuring data consistency and integrity. Each Aurora cluster has one primary instance by default, which also manages failover processes in case of a failure.

Aurora Replica Instances

Aurora Replicas are read-only copies of the primary database instance. While they primarily handle read operations, offloading the read workload from the primary instance, they also play a critical role in maintaining high availability. You can have up to 15 Aurora Replicas per cluster, providing additional read capacity and increasing the overall performance across all AZs. In the event of a failure of the primary instance, Aurora can automatically promote an Aurora Replica to become the new primary instance, ensuring minimal downtime and uninterrupted service.

Multi-Master Clusters

Amazon Aurora also supports multi-master clusters, where all database instances have both read and write capabilities. In this configuration, multiple instances can accept write operations simultaneously, increasing write throughput and providing additional fault tolerance. In AWS terminology:

  • Writer Instances: Database instances that handle both read and write operations.
  • Reader Instances: Database instances that handle only read operations.

This setup allows for greater scalability and high availability, as the workload is distributed across multiple writer instances.

Cluster Volume and Data Storage

Source: Aurora Storage Engine

The Aurora cluster volume is a distributed, virtual storage layer that automatically replicates data across multiple AZs. Key features include:

  • Data Replication: Data is replicated six times across three AZs, providing high durability and fault tolerance.
  • Virtual Storage: The cluster volume is not tied to physical hardware, allowing for seamless scalability and maintenance.
  • Fault Tolerance: Even if an entire AZ fails, the replicated data ensures your database remains operational.

This architecture ensures that your data is highly available and durable, minimizing the risk of data loss.

Automatic Backups

Aurora automatically and continuously backs up your data to Amazon S3 without impacting database performance. Features of Aurora's backup system include:

  • Continuous Backups: Provides point-in-time recovery for your database within the retention period.
  • No Performance Impact: Backups do not interfere with database operations, ensuring consistent performance.
  • Data Safety: Ensures the safety of your data even in extreme scenarios where the entire cluster becomes unavailable.

These automated backups simplify data protection and recovery processes, allowing you to focus on your applications.

Amazon Aurora Serverless

Source: Amazon Aurora Serverless v2

For applications with unpredictable or intermittent workloads, Aurora Serverless offers an on-demand, auto-scaling configuration:

  • Automatic Scaling: Adjusts compute capacity based on your application's demand without manual intervention.
  • Cost-Effective: You pay only for the database resources you consume when they're active.
  • Ease of Use: Eliminates the need to manage database instances, simplifying operations.

Aurora Serverless is ideal for:

  • Development and Testing: Environments where workloads are sporadic.
  • Variable Workloads: Applications with peak periods and off-peak times.
  • New Applications: Projects where capacity needs are unknown.

By using Aurora Serverless, you can optimize costs and ensure your database resources match your application's needs.

Benefits of Amazon Aurora

High Scalability: Aurora can automatically scale its storage capacity from as little as 10 GB up to 128 TB without manual intervention. This automatic scaling ensures that your database can handle increasing workloads seamlessly.

Increased Performance: With optimized database engines, Aurora provides significantly higher throughput compared to standard MySQL and PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS. This performance boost is beneficial for use cases that demand high-speed transactions and real-time data access.

Durability and Availability: Designed for greater than 99.99% availability, Aurora replicates data across multiple Availability Zones within an AWS Region. It automatically replicates your data six ways across three AWS Availability Zones and continuously backs up your data to Amazon S3. This architecture ensures data durability and minimizes the risk of data loss.

Automated Management: Aurora reduces the need for manual database administration tasks. Features like automatic backups, snapshots, and point-in-time recovery are integrated and managed by Aurora, allowing developers and database administrators to focus more on innovation rather than maintenance.

Security: Aurora provides multiple layers of security, including network isolation using Amazon VPC, encryption at rest using AWS Key Management Service (KMS), and encryption in transit using SSL. These features help protect your data both in storage and during transmission.

Easy Migration: Aurora's compatibility with MySQL and PostgreSQL means you can easily migrate your existing applications using AWS Database Migration Service with few or no changes. This compatibility streamlines the migration process and reduces downtime.

Read Replicas: Supporting up to 15 read replicas, Aurora enhances read throughput and reduces the load on the primary database instance. This feature improves the performance of read-heavy database workloads by distributing the read operations across multiple replicas.

Aurora Serverless: For applications with intermittent or unpredictable workloads, Aurora Serverless allows you to run your database in the cloud without managing database instances. It automatically starts up, shuts down, and scales capacity based on your application's needs, so you use only the resources you need when you need them.

Differences Between Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS

Source: Deep dive on Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL architecture and features

While Amazon Aurora is part of the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) family, it offers distinct advantages over standard RDS instances that make it a compelling choice for many applications. When setting up new databases through Amazon RDS, you can select either standard MySQL or PostgreSQL engines or opt for Aurora's MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible engines. Both options simplify routine tasks such as provisioning, patching, backup, and recovery using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and API operations.

However, there are key differences between Aurora and standard RDS instances:

Architecture Design

  • Amazon RDS: The architecture of RDS resembles a traditional database setup where the database engine runs on Amazon EC2 instances, but AWS handles provisioning and maintenance tasks. RDS uses Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes for database and log storage. To achieve high availability and reliability, you can enable the Multi-AZ (Availability Zone) feature, which synchronously replicates data to a standby replica in another Availability Zone. However, this requires additional configuration and incurs extra costs.
  • Amazon Aurora: Aurora is designed with a cloud-native architecture that separates compute and storage layers. Its storage is distributed and replicated six times across three Availability Zones by default, even if you have only one Aurora instance. Data is stored in 10 GB segments and automatically replicated, providing high durability and fault tolerance without manual intervention.


  • Amazon RDS: Offers good performance using SSD-backed storage options. You can choose between:
    • General Purpose SSD (gp2): For cost-effective storage that balances price and performance.
    • Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1): Optimized for I/O-intensive transactional workloads requiring consistent low latency.
  • Amazon Aurora: Delivers significantly higher performance compared to standard MySQL and PostgreSQL databases:
    • Up to 5 times better throughput than MySQL.
    • Up to 3 times better throughput than PostgreSQL.
    • Aurora writes logs directly to storage without the need for log buffers, and its replication to read replicas is asynchronous and optimized for cached data. Because replicas share the same storage cluster, replica lag is minimal and consistent, even under heavy loads.

Database Engine Support

  • Amazon RDS: Supports a wide range of database engines:
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • MariaDB
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • Oracle
    • IBM Db2
    • Amazon RDS on Outposts
  • Amazon Aurora: Limited to two database engines, both compatible with open-source counterparts:
    • Aurora MySQL-compatible
    • Aurora PostgreSQL-compatible

Availability and Durability

  • Amazon RDS: Offers high availability through Multi-AZ deployments, which replicate data synchronously to a standby instance in a different Availability Zone. However, this setup requires manual configuration and increases costs.
  • Amazon Aurora: Provides higher availability and durability by default. Data is automatically replicated six times across three Availability Zones. Aurora's storage is fault-tolerant and self-healing, ensuring data is durable even if multiple copies are lost.


  • Amazon RDS: In the event of a failure, RDS can fail over to a standby instance if Multi-AZ is enabled. Failover to a read replica is manual and may lead to data loss if not properly managed.
  • Amazon Aurora: Designed for rapid recovery from failures. If a compute node fails, Aurora can quickly promote a read replica to the primary role with minimal impact. Because the storage layer is separate and shared among instances, failed compute nodes can be replaced almost immediately without affecting data integrity.


  • Amazon RDS:
    • Auto Scaling: Automatically scales storage capacity up to 64 TiB (16 TiB for SQL Server) based on workload demands.
    • Configuration: You need to set a maximum storage limit, and RDS handles scaling within that limit.
  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Automatic Scaling: Storage automatically increases from 10 GB up to 128 TiB in 10 GB increments without any performance impact.
    • No Pre-Provisioning: No need to specify storage limits in advance; Aurora adjusts storage seamlessly as your data grows.


  • Vertical Scaling:
    • Both Services: Allow you to scale compute and memory resources up or down up to 32 vCPUs and 244 GiB of RAM.
  • Dynamic Scaling:
    • Amazon RDS: Does not support automatic scaling of read replicas.
    • Amazon Aurora: Supports Aurora Auto Scaling, which automatically adjusts the number of Aurora Replicas based on workload demands. This ensures optimal performance during peak times and cost savings during periods of low activity.


  • Amazon RDS:
    • Read Replicas: Supports up to 5 read replicas.
    • Replication Lag: Replication is slower and can experience higher latency due to the need to copy data to each replica.
  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Read Replicas: Supports up to 15 read replicas.
    • Low Latency: Replication occurs within milliseconds because replicas share the same distributed storage layer. New replicas can start serving read traffic almost immediately without waiting to copy data.


  • Amazon RDS:
    • Manual Failover: Failover to a read replica is manual and may lead to downtime and potential data loss.
    • Multi-AZ Failover: Automatic failover is available when Multi-AZ is enabled, but this adds complexity and cost.
  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Automatic Failover: Automatically fails over to a read replica in the event of a primary instance failure, minimizing downtime and preventing data loss.
    • Fast Recovery: Failover time is typically faster than RDS due to the shared storage architecture.

Cluster Endpoints

  • Amazon RDS:
    • Write Endpoint: Uses a cluster endpoint for write operations pointing to the primary instance.
    • Read Endpoints: Requires manual load balancing; each read replica has its own endpoint, and the application must distribute read traffic accordingly.
    • Failover Handling: During failover, the write endpoint updates via DNS change, which may introduce delays due to DNS caching.
  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Write Endpoint: Similar to RDS, uses a cluster endpoint for write operations.
    • Reader Endpoint: Provides a single reader endpoint that automatically load balances read traffic across all read replicas.
    • Seamless Failover: In the event of a primary instance failure, Aurora promotes a read replica to primary, and the reader endpoint adjusts automatically without application changes.

Backup and Recovery

  • Amazon RDS:
    • Automated Backups: Creates snapshots during a specified backup window with user-defined retention periods.
    • Performance Impact: Backup operations may briefly interrupt storage I/O, affecting performance.
    • Point-in-Time Recovery: Supports recovery to any point within the retention period.
  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Continuous Backups: Performs continuous, incremental backups without impacting performance.
    • No Backup Window: Eliminates the need for a designated backup window.
    • Fine-Grained Recovery: Allows restoring data to any second during the retention period.
In both services, backups are stored securely in Amazon S3.


  • Amazon RDS:
    • Cost Structure: Generally less expensive for standard workloads.
    • Free Tier Eligibility: Eligible for AWS Free Tier, which can help reduce costs for smaller workloads.
    • Additional Costs: Multi-AZ deployments and read replicas incur extra charges.
  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Cost Structure: Higher costs due to enhanced performance and features.
    • Pay for Usage: Billed based on instance size and actual storage usage.
    • No Free Tier: Not eligible for AWS Free Tier.

Latency and Data Handling

  • Amazon RDS:
    • Replication Latency: Slower replication; adding new replicas involves copying all data, which can introduce higher latency.
    • Data Consistency: May experience higher replica lag, affecting real-time data access.
  • Amazon Aurora:
    • Low Latency: Achieves millisecond latency with fast replication due to shared storage architecture.
    • Efficient Scaling: New replicas can handle queries immediately without full data replication.

Summary Table

Amazon Aurora Pricing

Understanding the pricing structure of Amazon Aurora is essential for optimizing costs and leveraging its features effectively. Below are the 10 factors that influence Aurora's pricing:

1. Database Instances

  • Aurora Serverless: Automatically starts up, scales capacity up or down, and shuts down based on your application's needs. You pay only for the capacity consumed.
  • Provisioned Instances:
    • On-Demand Instances: Pay per DB instance-hour consumed with no long-term commitments or upfront fees.
    • Reserved Instances: Commit to a one- or three-year term for additional savings.
  • Note: Instance charges apply to both primary instances and replicas. Charges vary based on the cluster configuration you choose—either Aurora Standard or Aurora I/O-Optimized.

2. Database Storage and I/Os

  • Automatic Scaling: Storage and I/O operations scale automatically; no need to provision in advance.
  • Billing:
    • Storage: Billed per GB-month.
    • I/O Operations:
      • With Aurora Standard, you pay for the storage and I/O operations consumed, which may vary significantly depending on workload and database engine.
      • Aurora I/O-Optimized eliminates I/O charges in exchange for a higher instance cost.

3. Aurora Global Database Costs

  • Purpose: Allows a single Aurora database to span multiple regions for globally distributed applications.
  • Charges:
    • Replicated Write I/O Operations: You pay for replicated write I/O operations between the primary region and each secondary region.
    • Additional Costs: Instances, storage, I/O usage in both primary and secondary regions, cross-region data transfer, backup storage, and other billable features.

4. Backup Storage Costs

  • Definition: Storage associated with automated database backups and customer-initiated snapshots.
  • Charges:
    • Free Tier: Backup storage up to 100% of your database cluster's size is free.
    • Beyond Free Tier: Additional backup storage is billed per GB-month.
  • Note: No charge for snapshots created within the backup retention period.

5. Backtrack Costs

  • Feature: Allows you to move an Aurora database to a prior point in time without restoring data from a backup (available for Aurora MySQL-compatible edition).
  • Charges:
    • Change Records Storage: Pay an hourly rate for storing change records based on the backtrack duration you specify (e.g., up to 24 hours).

6. Data API Costs

  • Purpose: Provides a secure HTTPS API for executing SQL queries, simplifying application development.
  • Charges:
    • API Requests: Pay per request; data payloads are metered in 32 KB increments.
      • If your payload exceeds 32 KB, each additional 32 KB counts as an extra request.
    • Free Tier: One million API requests per month for the first year.
  • Additional Costs:
    • Potential charges for AWS Secrets Manager.
    • Possible charges for AWS CloudTrail if activated.

7. Data Transfer Costs

  • Free Transfers:
    • Data transferred between Aurora and Amazon EC2 instances in the same Availability Zone.
    • Data transferred between Availability Zones for DB cluster replication.
  • Charged Transfers:
    • Data transferred between an EC2 instance and an Aurora DB instance in different Availability Zones within the same region (standard Amazon EC2 Regional Data Transfer charges apply).
    • Data transferred out to the internet (first 100 GB per month is free under AWS Free Tier).

8. Snapshot or Cluster Export Costs

  • Feature: Exports data from an Aurora snapshot or cluster to Amazon S3 in Parquet format, which is efficient for analytics.
  • Charges:
    • Data Exported: Metered per GB of snapshot data exported to Amazon S3.

9. Zero-ETL Integration Costs

  • Feature: Enables near real-time analytics using Amazon Redshift on transactional data from Aurora without the need for ETL pipelines.
  • Charges:
    • No Additional Fee: AWS does not charge extra for zero-ETL integration itself.
    • Associated Costs:
      • Additional I/O and storage due to enhanced binlog.
      • Snapshot export costs for initial data export.
      • Amazon Redshift storage and compute resources.
      • Cross-AZ data transfer costs.
  • Note: Ongoing processing of data changes is offered at no additional charge.

10. Amazon RDS Extended Support Costs

  • Purpose: Allows continued use of Aurora MySQL and PostgreSQL major versions after community end-of-life.
  • Charges:
    • Provisioned Instances: Priced per vCPU per hour.
    • Aurora Serverless v2: Priced per Aurora Capacity Unit (ACU) per hour.
  • Note:
    • Pricing depends on AWS region and calendar date.
    • Customers have at least one year after community end-of-life before Extended Support charges begin.

By understanding these pricing factors, you can make informed decisions to optimize costs while leveraging the full capabilities of Amazon Aurora for your applications. For a deeper dive into how Amazon RDS pricing works, including details specific to Aurora, check out our The Ultimate Guide to AWS RDS Pricing: A Comprehensive Cost Breakdown 2024 blog post for more insights.

Always refer to the official Aurora pricing page for the most up-to-date pricing and use the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate costs beforehand.


Amazon Aurora stands out as a robust database solution that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source systems. Its unique architecture, advanced scalability, and automated management make it an ideal choice for applications requiring high performance and reliability. By understanding how Aurora works, its benefits, and how it differs from Amazon RDS, businesses can leverage its features to optimize their database operations. Whether you're dealing with unpredictable workloads, seeking seamless scalability, or aiming for cost efficiency, Amazon Aurora offers a compelling option to meet your database challenges head-on.

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