Amazon CloudFront Explained: Boosting Web Performance with AWS

October 11, 2024
min read


In today’s fast-paced digital world, ensuring that your web content reaches users quickly and reliably is more important than ever. Amazon CloudFront, a leading content delivery network (CDN) service, is designed to optimize the delivery of both static and dynamic content, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images. By utilizing a vast global network of edge locations, CloudFront enables websites and applications to provide a seamless user experience by reducing latency and improving performance. This blog post will explore how CloudFront works, its key features, pricing structure, and a comparison with Cloudflare, another major player in the CDN space.

What is Amazon CloudFront

Source: How CloudFront delivers content

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that optimizes the delivery of static and dynamic web content, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files, to users worldwide. By leveraging a global network of data centers known as edge locations, CloudFront ensures that your content reaches users with the lowest possible latency, providing an improved and seamless experience.

How CloudFront Works

Source: How CloudFront delivers content

When a user requests content served through CloudFront, the request is routed to the nearest edge location with the lowest latency. If the requested content is already cached at that edge location, CloudFront delivers it instantly. If not, CloudFront retrieves the content from the origin source you’ve defined—whether it’s an Amazon S3 bucket, MediaPackage channel, or an HTTP server. This ensures that the content is always available and delivered efficiently.

Example: Traditional vs. CloudFront Delivery

Let’s compare serving an image, for instance, sunsetphoto.png. Traditionally, a user might access it via a URL like:

In this scenario, the request travels through multiple networks across the internet before the image is finally retrieved from your web server. With CloudFront, this process is optimized. The user's request is directed through the highly optimized AWS backbone network, reducing the number of intermediary networks and delivering content from the nearest edge server, ensuring faster load times and better performance.

Benefits of CloudFront

  1. Lower Latency and Faster Transfer: By routing requests through the AWS network and edge servers, CloudFront significantly reduces latency, speeding up the delivery of your content.
  2. Improved Reliability: CloudFront caches copies of your files at multiple edge locations around the world, providing redundancy and ensuring high availability.
  3. Global Reach with Localized Performance: With CloudFront’s worldwide edge locations, your content is delivered to users from the nearest server, regardless of where they are, enhancing the user experience.

In summary, Amazon CloudFront optimizes content delivery by minimizing latency, improving performance, and ensuring the reliability of your web content. Whether you're serving static assets or dynamic applications, CloudFront is an essential tool for businesses looking to provide faster, more reliable web experiences.

Cloudfront Distribution

Source: What is Amazon CloudFront?

To leverage Amazon CloudFront for faster content delivery, the first step is creating a CloudFront distribution. This distribution defines where your content will be sourced from and provides the details needed to manage the delivery process. CloudFront then utilizes its global network of edge servers to ensure your content is delivered quickly and efficiently to your audience, no matter where they are.

Configuring Your CloudFront Distribution

When you configure CloudFront, you define origin servers—like an Amazon S3 bucket or your own HTTP server—from which CloudFront retrieves your content. These origin servers store the original, authoritative version of your files (also known as objects), including web pages, images, media files, or anything that can be served over HTTP.

For example, if you're using an Amazon S3 bucket, you can choose to make the objects in your bucket publicly readable, or you can keep them private, controlling access through signed URLs or signed cookies. This flexibility allows you to balance performance and security according to your needs.

Defining Your Distribution's Configuration

When you create a CloudFront distribution, you specify details such as:

  • Origin servers: Where CloudFront should retrieve your content from (e.g., Amazon S3, EC2, or your own HTTP server).
  • Logging options: Whether to log all user requests.
  • Distribution status: Whether the distribution is enabled immediately upon creation.

CloudFront assigns a domain name to each distribution, which can be viewed in the CloudFront console or returned via an API request. You can choose to use this domain name for your URLs, such as:

Alternatively, you can configure CloudFront to use your own custom domain name, making the URL more recognizable for your audience:

Caching and Performance

CloudFront caches copies of your files at its edge locations across the world, which helps reduce load times and improve reliability. By default, each file remains in the edge cache for 24 hours before it expires. However, you can customize this expiration time, adjusting it to suit your specific content needs. For example, static assets that rarely change might stay in the cache for longer periods, while dynamic content can have shorter expiration times to ensure freshness.

You can also configure your origin servers to add headers to the files, specifying how long they should remain in the CloudFront cache. This flexibility allows you to fine-tune the balance between performance and content accuracy.

Example Scenario: Delivering Content with CloudFront

Once you've set up your distribution, CloudFront will send the configuration (not the actual content) to its globally distributed edge locations. When a user requests content, CloudFront retrieves it from the nearest edge location. For instance, if your distribution’s domain is, the URL for your logo stored in Amazon S3 might look like this:

For an even more personalized experience, you can integrate your own domain, allowing users to access your content through URLs such as:

With these configurations, CloudFront ensures that your content is always delivered quickly and reliably, while giving you control over how long files remain in cache and who can access them.

CloudFront Functions

Source: CloudFront Functions

CloudFront Functions allows you to create lightweight JavaScript functions to customize CDN behavior at a massive scale. These functions can manipulate requests and responses, perform basic authentication, generate HTTP responses at the edge, and more—all with submillisecond startup times and the ability to scale to millions of requests per second.

As a native CloudFront feature, you can build, test, and deploy functions directly within CloudFront. Functions can be triggered during two key events:

  • Viewer request: When CloudFront receives a request from a user.
  • Viewer response: Before CloudFront returns a response to the user.

CloudFront Functions offers high performance, security, and scalability, making it a powerful tool for real-time CDN customizations.

CloudFlare vs CloudFront

One key advantage of Amazon CloudFront is its seamless integration with AWS infrastructure. When data is fetched from AWS services like S3, EC2, or ELB, there are no additional charges, unlike Cloudflare. CloudFront also offers a free tier with 1 TB of data transfer, 2,000,000 CloudFront Functions invocations, and 10,000,000 HTTP/HTTPS requests, making it a great choice for newcomers or low-volume users.

However, CloudFront's pricing structure can be complex, with rates varying by region. For example, in the US, the first 10 GB costs $0.085 per GB, and the next 40 GB costs $0.08 per GB. In contrast, Middle Eastern regions charge $0.11 per GB. Cloudflare simplifies this with flat-rate pricing for paid plans: $20/month for Pro, $200/month for Business, and custom pricing for Enterprise. Additionally, Cloudflare offers a free plan with global CDN, unmetered DDoS protection, and SSL certificates, while also not charging for data egress, unlike CloudFront’s $0.0085 per GB.

For edge computing, CloudFront charges $0.10 per 1M invocations for CloudFront Functions and $0.60 per 1M invocations for Lambda@Edge, along with compute duration costs. Companies committing to a CloudFront Security Savings Bundle can save up to 30% on costs, with additional benefits like AWS WAF integration.

While Cloudflare’s flat pricing is simpler, CloudFront’s deep AWS integration and cost advantages for AWS users make it ideal for businesses already using AWS services. CloudFront offers 100% uptime, whereas Cloudflare has experienced downtimes in recent years.

Amazon CloudFront Pricing

Amazon CloudFront provides fast, reliable content delivery, and its pricing is designed to reflect the specific usage of the service. While there are no charges for transferring cacheable data from AWS resources to CloudFront edge locations, you will incur costs for data transfer out from these edge locations, along with HTTP/HTTPS requests. The exact pricing depends on factors such as usage type, geographic region, and selected features.

AWS Free Tier

With the AWS Free Tier, you can start using Amazon CloudFront without incurring costs for the following resources:

  • 1 TB of data transfer out to the internet per month
  • 10,000,000 HTTP or HTTPS requests per month
  • 2,000,000 CloudFront Function invocations per month
  • 2,000,000 CloudFront KeyValueStore reads per month
  • Free SSL certificates

All features are available without limitations under the free tier, offering an accessible way to explore CloudFront's capabilities.

Key Pricing Components:

Regional Data Transfer Out (per GB)

CloudFront charges for data transfer out to the internet based on the specific region.

Source: Amazon Cloudfront Pricing

Regional Data Transfer Out to Origin (per GB)

Source: Amazon Cloudfront Pricing

Request Pricing for All HTTP Methods (per 10,000)

Source: Amazon Cloudfront Pricing

Price Class

Source: Amazon Cloudfront Pricing

Amazon CloudFront offers Price Classes to help you reduce costs by delivering content from a subset of edge locations. By default, CloudFront uses its entire global network to minimize latency, but this can result in higher costs in some regions. With Price Classes, you can exclude more expensive edge locations, lowering your delivery costs while potentially increasing latency for some users.

If performance is your top priority, leave the default setting to deliver from all edge locations. However, if you opt for a specific price class, CloudFront will charge based on the edge locations in that class. Occasionally, content may be served from outside your selected price class, but you'll still only be charged for the least expensive location within the chosen class. You can configure Price Classes via the AWS Management Console or the CloudFront API.

Edge Computing with CloudFront Functions

CloudFront Functions allow you to run lightweight JavaScript at edge locations. Pricing is $0.10 per 1 million invocations, and you are charged based on the total invocations globally. Each function counts as an invocation when it starts executing.

CloudFront KeyValueStore

This global, low-latency key-value store lets you access stateful data at CloudFront edge locations.

  • Read pricing: $0.03 per 1 million reads from within CloudFront Functions.
  • Non-read API actions: $1 per 1,000 API requests.


Lambda@Edge enables more complex serverless customizations at the edge.

  • Request pricing: $0.60 per 1 million requests.
  • Duration pricing: $0.00005001 per GB-second used, with memory allocation metered in 1ms increments. For example, a 128MB function execution would cost $0.00000625125 per 128MB-second.

Note that Lambda@Edge does not offer a free tier.

Additional Features and Pricing

Origin Shield Requests

Source: Amazon Cloudfront Pricing

If you configure Origin Shield as an additional caching layer, you are charged based on requests routed through your Origin Shield Region, not the CloudFront edge locations. Pricing is based on the number of requests that pass through this centralized caching layer.

Invalidation Requests

You can invalidate up to 1,000 paths per month for free. After that, invalidation requests are charged at $0.005 per path.

Real-Time Log Requests

Real-time logs are charged at $0.01 for every 1,000,000 log lines CloudFront generates.

Field-Level Encryption Requests

Field-level encryption adds an extra layer of security, with charges of $0.02 per 10,000 encrypted requests, in addition to standard HTTPS request fees.

Dedicated IP Custom SSL

This option is available at $600 per month for each custom SSL certificate, prorated by the hour.

WebSocket Pricing

There are no additional charges for using WebSocket, although standard CloudFront data transfer charges apply.

Data Transfers and Origin Fetches

Origin Fetches

When using AWS services like Amazon S3, EC2, or Elastic Load Balancing as your origin server, data transfer from origin to CloudFront edge locations (origin fetches) is free. However, any other data transfer between AWS services and CloudFront will incur regional data transfer charges.

CloudFront to Origin Transfers

Data transfers out from CloudFront to your origin server, such as for POST and PUT requests, will be billed based on regional transfer rates.

Always refer to the official Amazon CloudFront pricing page and use the AWS Pricing Calculator to estimate your costs accurately


Amazon CloudFront is a powerful content delivery network that excels in providing fast, secure, and reliable web performance for businesses of all sizes. Its seamless integration with AWS services such as S3, EC2, and Lambda@Edge, combined with a global network of edge locations, makes it an ideal solution for optimizing content delivery with minimal latency. The flexibility offered by CloudFront—whether through its customizable caching, edge computing capabilities, or detailed pricing options—enables businesses to tailor performance and costs to their specific needs.

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