Amazon Redshift: A Beginner's Guide to Cloud Data Warehousing

September 9, 2024
min read


As businesses grow, so do their data needs. Whether you're handling terabytes of customer data, running complex analytics, or integrating information from multiple sources, the demand for a fast, scalable data warehouse becomes critical. This is where Amazon Redshift comes into play.

AWS Redshift is a fully managed, cloud-based data warehouse solution designed for businesses looking to analyze large datasets with ease. It’s built to handle everything from running complex queries on huge data volumes to seamlessly scaling as your data grows. Whether you're focusing on business intelligence, big data analytics, or data warehousing, Redshift offers a flexible and cost-effective solution tailored to your specific needs.

What Is Amazon Redshift?

Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable data warehouse in the cloud that is used to analyze terabytes of data in minutes. Redshift has flexible query options and a simple interface that makes it easy to use for all types of users. With Amazon Redshift, you can quickly scale your storage capacity to keep up with your growing data needs.

Amazon Redshift lets you run complex queries on large datasets quickly by spreading the data and work across multiple nodes. You can easily load and transform data from different sources, such as Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EMR, Amazon S3, and your transactional databases, into one data warehouse for analysis.

Amazon Redshift Architecture


Amazon Redshift’s design is built for speed and scalability, using massively parallel processing (MPP) and columnar storage. The architecture consists of several key parts:

  • Leader Node: This node takes queries from applications, translates them into tasks, and sends them to the compute nodes for processing. Once the work is done, it combines the results and sends them back to the application.
  • Compute Nodes: These nodes handle the heavy lifting by processing parts of the query in parallel. Each node has its own CPU, memory, and disk storage, which are divided into smaller units to manage portions of the data independently. Data is stored in columns, making it easier to compress and retrieve quickly.
  • Node Slices: Each compute node is divided into slices that work together to perform tasks in parallel, improving performance and scalability.
  • Internal Network: Redshift uses a fast, high-bandwidth network to connect nodes, ensuring quick data transfers and query execution.

Key Features of Amazon Redshift

  • Columnar Storage: Redshift stores data in columns instead of rows, which means it reads less data from disk, speeding up query execution. This also allows for better compression, reducing storage costs and improving performance.
Source: Amazon Redshift architecture-Columnar storage
  • Data Compression: Redshift compresses data automatically, making it smaller and faster to read from disk. It picks the best compression methods based on the data patterns, so users don’t have to worry about it.
  • Massively Parallel Processing (MPP): Queries are processed across multiple nodes at the same time, splitting the workload to speed up query performance, even for large datasets.
  • Scalability: Redshift clusters can easily grow by adding more nodes, allowing you to increase capacity as needed. It also has concurrency scaling, which adds temporary capacity during high workloads to maintain performance.
  • Automatic Distribution of Data and Queries: Redshift spreads data and query tasks across all nodes in the cluster automatically, balancing the workload to keep performance optimized. You can configure how data is distributed to suit your specific use case.
  • Integration with AWS Ecosystem: Redshift works smoothly with other AWS services, such as S3 for storage, AWS Glue for ETL, and Amazon QuickSight for visualizations. It also integrates with AWS CloudTrail and CloudWatch for monitoring and alerts.
  • Security: Redshift offers strong security features like encryption for data at rest and in transit, network isolation via Amazon VPC, and integration with AWS IAM for controlling access. AWS KMS helps manage and rotate encryption keys.

What Is Amazon Redshift Used For?

Source: Power highly resilient use cases with Amazon Redshift

Business Intelligence (BI)

When organizations need to generate detailed reports and dashboards based on massive datasets, Redshift becomes a valuable tool. It works well with BI tools like Amazon QuickSight and third-party solutions, enabling non-technical users to access actionable insights through easy-to-use interfaces.

Data Warehousing

Redshift is ideal for consolidating data from multiple sources, including transactional databases, logs, and third-party platforms. This unified data warehouse allows businesses to run complex queries and analytics, providing a single source of truth for decision-making.

Big Data Analytics

For companies dealing with huge volumes of data, Redshift offers fast and efficient querying capabilities. Its massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture allows it to handle large datasets, making it perfect for big data analytics tasks.

Log Analysis

Redshift can handle large amounts of log data, making it an excellent tool for analyzing logs generated by applications, servers, or cloud infrastructure. By processing logs in Redshift, businesses can gain insights into system performance, security, and user behavior, enabling more informed decisions.

Real-Time Analytics

In use cases where real-time data insights are needed, such as monitoring user activity or tracking live metrics, Redshift can process and analyze streaming data quickly. This makes it suitable for applications requiring immediate analytics feedback.

What Are The Limitations of Amazon Redshift?

While Amazon Redshift offers many benefits, there are a few limitations to consider before selecting it as your data warehousing solution.

Parallel Uploads

Redshift doesn’t support parallel uploads from all data sources. While services like Amazon S3, EMR, and DynamoDB can use the fast MPP architecture for parallel uploads, other databases require separate scripts for data upload, which can significantly slow down the process.

Data Uniqueness

Ensuring unique data is a key aspect of database management, but Redshift doesn’t have built-in tools to prevent duplicate data. If you're migrating data from multiple overlapping sources, this can result in redundancy, and you'll need to manage this separately.


Redshift relies on distribution and sort keys for indexing and storing data. However, working with these keys requires a solid understanding of how they function. AWS does not provide an easy-to-use tool for managing keys, meaning users need technical knowledge to optimize data storage and queries.

OLAP Limitations

As an OLAP system, Redshift is designed for running analytical queries on large datasets, but it’s less efficient at handling typical database tasks like inserting, updating, or deleting data. It’s often more practical to recreate tables with changes rather than modifying them. For frequent data updates, traditional OLTP databases are better suited.

Migration Costs

Redshift is built for working with huge datasets, often in the petabyte range. However, transferring large volumes of data to AWS can be costly, especially if your network has bandwidth limits. This could be a challenge for businesses with restricted network capacity. AWS does offer the option to ship data using physical storage devices, but this adds extra complexity and cost.

Amazon Redshift Serverless

Source: Easy analytics and cost-optimization with Amazon Redshift Serverless

For users looking to simplify their data warehousing operations even further, Amazon Redshift Serverless is an excellent alternative to the traditional provisioned clusters. With Redshift Serverless, you don’t need to worry about managing capacity or tuning your infrastructure. It automatically adjusts resources to meet your workload demands, scaling up or down in seconds to maintain high performance—even for the most unpredictable tasks.

This serverless option allows you to access Redshift’s SQL capabilities and seamlessly query data across your warehouse, data lake, and operational sources, all without the hassle of managing clusters. You only pay for the time your warehouse is in use, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses with fluctuating workloads. Whether through the console or API, Redshift Serverless provides easy access to your managed Redshift storage and your Amazon S3 data lake, all the while keeping operations simple and efficient.

Amazon Redshift Spectrum

Source: Amazon Redshift Spectrum Extends Data Warehousing Out to Exabytes—No Loading Required

Amazon Redshift Spectrum is a feature within Amazon RedShift that lets a data analyst conduct fast, complex analysis on objects stored on the AWS cloud. With Redshift Spectrum, an analyst can perform SQL queries on data stored in Amazon S3 buckets without first loading it into Amazon Redshift

Redshift Spectrum offers the best of both worlds. With Spectrum, you can:

  • Continue using your analytics applications with the same queries you’ve written for Redshift.
  • Leave cold data in S3, and query it via Amazon Redshift, without ETL processing. You can even join data from your data lake with data in Redshift, using a single query.
  • Decouple processing from storage. Since there’s no need to increase cluster size, you can save on Redshift storage.
  • Pay only when you run queries against S3 data. Spectrum queries cost $5/terabyte of data processed.

Spectrum is the “glue” that provides Redshift an interface to S3 data. Redshift is the access layer for your business applications. Spectrum is the query processing layer for data accessed from S3.

Amazon Redshift vs Snowflake

When evaluating cloud-based data warehouses, Amazon Redshift and Snowflake are often top choices. Both platforms are designed to handle large-scale data workloads with high performance and scalability. However, their underlying architectures, pricing models, and flexibility vary significantly, which is why Snowflake is frequently compared to Redshift. Understanding these differences can help businesses decide which solution best fits their needs for analytics, data management, and cost efficiency.

In Snowflake’s architecture, storage and compute are kept separate, which allows for effortless scaling and handling multiple tasks simultaneously without sacrificing performance. On the other hand, Redshift combines compute and storage in the same layer. While it delivers fast query performance for large datasets, performance may slow down when many users or tasks are active at once.

Here are some key distinctions between Snowflake and Amazon Redshift:

  • SaaS vs. PaaS:  Snowflake operates as a SaaS, meaning there's no need to install additional software or hardware, and it automatically handles system updates and maintenance. Redshift, as a PaaS, provides greater flexibility and customization but typically requires more maintenance. However, with the introduction of Redshift Serverless, some of the operational overhead is reduced, as it allows you to scale and run queries without needing to manage infrastructure
  • Data Processing: Both Redshift and Snowflake use Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)
  • Data Compression: Snowflake automatically compresses your data and charges based on the compressed size. In Redshift, compression is not enabled by default and may require manual setup.
  • Customization: Redshift allows you to customize the compute nodes and cluster size to suit your needs, whereas Snowflake lets you adjust cluster size but doesn't allow compute node customization.
  • Deployment Options: Redshift can be deployed in both cloud and on-premises environments, while Snowflake is strictly cloud-based.
  • Performance and Integration: Snowflake is designed for high performance in cloud-native environments and provides always-on encryption. Redshift is optimized for large datasets, offering strong AI and machine learning capabilities and is cost-effective for handling vast amounts of data.
  • Cloud Platforms: Redshift is available exclusively on AWS, while Snowflake works across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, providing more flexibility for multi-cloud strategies.
  • Pricing: Snowflake charges based on the time spent executing queries, making it ideal for dynamic workloads. Warehouses in Snowflake can suspend and resume in milliseconds, making it highly responsive for on-demand tasks. In contrast, Amazon Redshift offers more pricing flexibility. You can choose On-Demand Instances or Reserved Instances for long-term savings. Additionally, Redshift Serverless allows you to pay only for the actual usage, automatically scaling up or down based on workload demand. However, pausing and resuming Redshift clusters can take up to 15 minutes, making it better suited for predictable workloads.

Amazon Redshift Pricing

AWS Redshift pricing is based on the type and number of nodes in your cluster, the amount of storage used, and data transfer. Costs can be optimized using Reserved Instances, which offer significant discounts over On-Demand pricing. Below is the list of features for which AWS Redshift charges.

Node Types

Amazon Redshift provides two main types of nodes: RA3 and DC2, which can be selected based on your performance needs, data size, and expected growth.

  • RA3 Nodes: These nodes allow you to scale compute and storage independently. You pay for the compute capacity and only for the managed storage you use, which includes both SSDs for high-performance local storage and Amazon S3 for long-term storage. RA3 nodes are ideal for growing workloads that require more flexible scaling.
  • DC2 Nodes: These nodes are optimized for compute-intensive workloads with local SSD storage. DC2 is recommended for datasets under 1 TB due to its high performance and low price. However, for larger datasets that are expected to grow, RA3 is preferable for its scalability.

Storage Pricing

Amazon Redshift Managed Storage (RMS) is billed at a fixed rate of $0.024 per GB-month. Managed storage is exclusively available with RA3 node types, and you pay the same rate regardless of the size of your data.

  • Billing Calculation: Managed storage usage is calculated hourly based on the total data in your RA3 cluster, and the charges are converted to GB-month. You can monitor usage via Amazon CloudWatch or the AWS Management Console.
  • Data Transfer: There are no charges for data transfer between RA3 nodes and managed storage.
  • Backups: Managed storage fees exclude backup storage from automated and manual snapshots. Once a cluster is terminated, you will still be billed for any manual backups retained.

Redshift Spectrum Pricing

Amazon Redshift Spectrum lets you run SQL queries directly against data stored in Amazon S3. Pricing is based on the amount of data scanned, at $5.00 per terabyte.

  • Billing Details: Charges are rounded up to the next megabyte, with a minimum charge of 10 MB per query. Data Definition Language (DDL) operations like CREATE/ALTER/DROP TABLE and failed queries do not incur charges.
  • Cost Optimization: You can reduce costs by storing data in compressed, partitioned, and columnar formats such as Apache Parquet or ORC, as Redshift Spectrum only scans the required columns, minimizing the amount of data processed.
  • Serverless Queries: Queries on external data in Amazon S3 with Redshift Serverless are included in the RPU-hour pricing and are not billed separately.

For example, scanning 10GB of data would cost $0.05, while scanning 1TB costs $5.00.

Redshift Serverless Pricing

Amazon Redshift Serverless offers a flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing model where you only pay for the compute capacity your data warehouse uses when active. Data warehouse capacity scales automatically based on your workload demands and shuts down during idle periods to save costs.

  • Redshift Processing Units (RPUs): Amazon Redshift Serverless measures capacity in RPUs. You are charged at $0.375 per RPU-hour (as shown in the screenshot) on a per-second basis, with a 60-second minimum. This includes automatic scaling, Redshift Spectrum, and concurrency scaling.
  • Base & Max Settings: You can configure the Base (starting from 8 to 512 RPUs) and Max RPU-hours to control costs and optimize performance for high-concurrency workloads.
  • MaxRPU (Max Capacity): Defines the upper limit of RPUs for scaling, ensuring predictable costs.
  • Capacity Reservations: You can commit to a specific number of RPUs for a year at a discounted rate. Any usage beyond the reservation is charged at on-demand rates.

Concurrency Scaling Pricing

Amazon Redshift automatically adds extra transient clusters to ensure consistently fast performance during high-concurrency periods. There are no upfront costs, and you are not charged for startup or shutdown time.

  • Free Credits: For each hour that your main cluster runs, you accumulate one hour of free Concurrency Scaling credits. Charges only apply when you exceed the free credits, and you are billed per second with a one-minute minimum each time a transient cluster is activated.
  • Billing Example: For a 10-node DC2.8XL cluster costing $48 per hour, if two transient clusters are used for 5 minutes beyond the free credits, the cost would be $0.013 per second. The total additional cost for this scenario would be $8.00, bringing the overall cluster cost to $56.
  • Serverless Scaling: With Redshift Serverless, resources automatically scale up and down as needed, with no separate charges for Concurrency Scaling.

Redshift ML Pricing

When starting with Redshift ML, you may qualify for the Amazon SageMaker free tier, which provides two free CREATE MODEL requests per month for two months, with up to 100,000 cells per request. Your free tier begins the first month you create a model.

  • Amazon S3 Charges: The CREATE MODEL request incurs minor S3 charges, usually less than $1 per month, for storing training data and model artifacts. The default garbage collection setting automatically removes these files after the process is complete.
  • Cost Control: You can limit training costs by setting MAX_CELLS. If no value is specified, the default is 1 million cells, generally keeping the training cost below $20. The pricing scales based on the number of cells:

For example, 100,000 cells would cost $20, while 211M cells would cost $2,327 (calculated as $20 for the first 10M, $15 for the next 90M, and $7 for the remaining cells).

By controlling the MAX_CELLS parameter, you can adjust training data size and keep costs within a predictable range.

Data Transfer Costs

Amazon Redshift does not charge for data transferred between Redshift and Amazon S3 within the same AWS Region for operations like backup, restore, load, and unload. However, all other data transfers into and out of Amazon Redshift are billed at standard AWS data transfer rates.

  • VPC Data Transfer: If your Amazon Redshift cluster is in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), standard AWS data transfer charges apply for data transfers over JDBC/ODBC to your cluster endpoint. Additionally, if you use Enhanced VPC Routing and transfer data to Amazon S3 in a different region, standard AWS data transfer rates will apply.
  • Cross-Region Data Sharing: Data sharing across regions is billed in the consumer region where the data is accessed. For snapshot copy across regions, charges are billed in the source region where the snapshot is created.

Backup Storage

Backup storage refers to the storage used for snapshots of your data warehouse. While automated snapshots (available for up to 35 days) are free, manual snapshots incur charges based on the storage they consume.

  • RA3 Clusters: Data stored on RA3 clusters is billed as Redshift Managed Storage (RMS), but manual snapshots are charged at standard Amazon S3 rates. For instance, if an RA3 cluster holds 10 TB of data and 30 TB of manual snapshots, you would pay for 10 TB of RMS and 30 TB of backup storage.
  • DC and DS Clusters: With dense compute (DC) and dense storage (DS) clusters, storage is included in the cluster cost. However, manual snapshots are stored externally in Amazon S3, and any backup storage beyond the provisioned cluster size is billed at standard S3 rates.
  • Serverless: Redshift Serverless recovery points that are less than 24 hours old are free. If recovery points are kept beyond 24 hours, they are charged as part of RMS.

Snapshots are billed until they are deleted or expire, including during periods when the cluster is paused or deleted.

Amazon Redshift Free Trial

If you're new to Amazon Redshift Serverless, you are eligible for a $300 credit with a 90-day expiration to cover compute and storage usage. The rate at which this credit is consumed depends on your actual usage and the compute capacity of your serverless endpoint.

For regions where Redshift Serverless is not available, you can try provisioned clusters with a two-month free trial of DC2 large nodes. This trial provides 750 hours per month, enough to continuously run one DC2 large node with 160 GB of compressed SSD storage. After the trial ends, or if your usage exceeds 750 hours, you can either shut down the cluster to avoid charges or continue running it at the standard on-demand rate.


Amazon Redshift is a comprehensive and scalable data warehousing solution that empowers businesses to efficiently analyze massive datasets. From its high-performance architecture and extensive integration with AWS services, to the serverless and spectrum capabilities, Redshift covers a wide range of use cases such as business intelligence, big data analytics, and real-time log analysis.

Whether you opt for traditional provisioned clusters, the flexibility of Redshift Serverless, or the seamless querying of external data with Redshift Spectrum, Amazon Redshift offers a robust, cost-effective platform for scaling and analyzing data at any stage of growth. For businesses seeking long-term stability and scalability, Redshift is an ideal choice in the world of cloud-based data warehouses.

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