AWS Athena Explained: Serverless Data Analysis Made Simple

August 14, 2024
min read


In the vast ecosystem of AWS services, AWS Athena stands out as a powerful tool for querying vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently. Whether you're working with logs, clickstreams, or large data lakes, AWS Athena offers a serverless solution that allows you to run SQL queries directly against data stored in Amazon S3. This means you can analyze your data without having to set up complex data pipelines or manage any infrastructure, making it a go-to option for quick and scalable data analysis.

Understanding AWS Athena and How It Works

AWS Athena is a serverless analytics service that makes it easy to analyze large amounts of data directly where it’s stored. Known for its tight integration with Amazon S3, Athena lets you run SQL queries on S3 data without needing to set up complex infrastructure. But it doesn’t stop there—Athena also supports 30 other data sources, including on-premises and cloud systems. Built on Trino, Presto, and Apache Spark, Athena offers a flexible, no-hassle solution for analyzing everything from logs to large data lakes quickly and efficiently.

Under the Hood of AWS Athena

Athena is powered by Presto, an open-source distributed SQL engine designed for fast, parallel processing. When you submit a query, Athena generates a query plan, which Presto then executes by distributing the workload across multiple nodes. The results are gathered and returned to you efficiently. Athena manages table and partition metadata using a Hive metastore.

Here’s how AWS Athena works step by step:

  1. Data Storage: Your data is stored in Amazon S3 in formats like CSV, JSON, ORC, Parquet, or Avro.
  2. Schema-on-Read: Athena applies a schema to your data at query time, meaning you define the schema when you run the query, rather than during data ingestion.
  3. Query Engine: Athena uses Presto to execute SQL queries, allowing for efficient processing of large-scale, distributed data.
  4. Result Storage: Query results are stored in a specified S3 bucket, making them easy to retrieve, share, or further process.

Athena seamlessly integrates with AWS services like AWS Glue for data cataloging and AWS QuickSight for visualization, solidifying its role as a key component in a modern data stack.

Here’s an example from AWS Documentation on how to get started with AWS Athena

AWS Athena Use Cases

AWS Athena is highly versatile, and here are some scenarios where it truly shines:

Log Analysis: Quickly analyze log files stored in S3, such as CloudTrail logs, application logs, or access logs. For instance, you can query web server logs to identify trends, user behavior, or security issues.

Source: AWS KMS Call Usage with AWS CloudTrail and Amazon Athena

Data Lake Analytics: If you have a data lake in S3, Athena allows you to query this data directly without needing to move it into a separate database or data warehouse.

Source: Anonymize and manage data in your data lake with Amazon Athena and AWS Lake Formation

Ad-hoc Data Exploration: When you need to run quick, exploratory queries on your data without setting up a database or data warehouse. This is especially useful for data scientists and analysts who need to validate hypotheses quickly.

ETL Operations: Use Athena to transform data stored in S3, preparing it for downstream analytics or machine learning tasks. It’s particularly useful for filtering, aggregating, and joining large datasets.

Source: Build and orchestrate ETL pipelines using Amazon Athena and AWS Step Functions

Business Intelligence: Combine Athena with tools like Amazon QuickSight to create powerful BI dashboards that update in near real-time as data in your S3 buckets changes.

Source: Use Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight in a cross-account environment

AWS Athena vs AWS Redshift vs AWS Glue

AWS Athena, AWS Redshift, and AWS Glue are often mentioned together because they each play a role in data processing and analytics within the AWS ecosystem. However, despite their similarities and complementary functions, they serve distinct purposes that can sometimes lead to confusion.

  • AWS Athena is a serverless query service that lets you analyze data stored in S3 using SQL. It’s ideal for ad-hoc querying without needing to manage infrastructure, making it great for quick data exploration.
  • AWS Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse that allows you to run complex queries across large datasets. It’s designed for high-performance analytics and is suitable for long-term data storage and heavy data processing.
  • AWS Glue is a managed ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) service that automates the process of preparing data for analysis. Glue is typically used to clean, transform, and move data between different storage systems and databases, often serving as a bridge between Athena and Redshift.

In summary, Athena is best for querying data on-the-fly, Redshift is optimized for in-depth analysis of large datasets, and Glue is key for data preparation and transformation.

See the table below for a detailed comparison of their differences.

| Feature | Amazon Athena | AWS Redshift | AWS Glue | |---|---|---|---| | Service Type | Serverless, interactive query service | Fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service | Serverless ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and data integration service | | Performance | Optimized for quick, on-demand SQL queries on large datasets | High performance for complex queries on large, structured datasets | Optimized for efficient data transformation and integration across different data sources | | Primary Use Case | Ad-hoc querying of data stored in Amazon S3 using SQL | Data warehousing and complex analytics, including OLAP queries | ETL operations, data preparation, and cataloging across multiple data sources | | Maintenance | Fully managed, no infrastructure to manage | Managed service, requires some administration | Fully managed, minimal maintenance required | | Pricing Model | Pay-per-query based on data scanned ($5/TB) | Pay per node/hour and additional storage costs | Pay per usage (e.g., job runs, data catalog storage) |

How AWS Athena Pricing Works

AWS Athena's pricing model is straightforward but can have significant implications depending on how you use it.

Key Pricing Factors:

  • SQL queries: SQL queries are billed at $5.00 per terabyte of data scanned, with costs based on the number of bytes processed. The charge is rounded up to the nearest megabyte, with a minimum of 10 MB per query. DDL statements, failed queries, and partial charges for canceled queries are not billed.
  • SQL queries with Provisioned Capacity: If you need dedicated compute resources, Provisioned Capacity allows you to purchase Data Processing Units (DPUs) tailored to your workload needs. Each DPU provides 4 vCPUs and 16 GB of memory, and you’re charged $0.30 per DPU hour, billed per minute, with a 1-hour minimum. You pay only for the capacity you need and the duration it’s active in your account, and there are no charges for data scanned.
  • Apache Spark Execution: Running Apache Spark applications incurs a charge of $0.35 per DPU hour, billed per minute. Athena provisions and manages Spark resources, and only charges for the active time of driver and worker nodes. Notebooks used during Spark sessions are free of charge.
  • Additional Costs: Athena queries data directly from Amazon S3, and while there are no extra charges for querying, standard S3 rates apply for storage, requests, and data transfer. Query results, whether from SQL or Spark, are stored in an S3 bucket and billed at standard S3 rates. If you use the AWS Glue Data Catalog with Athena, you will incur additional charges as per AWS Glue's pricing. For queries on federated data sources (outside of S3), you’re charged per terabyte scanned, with standard rates applied to any AWS Lambda functions invoked during these queries.

You can use the AWS Pricing Calculator to create an estimate for pricing

AWS Athena Cost Optimization Tips:

  • Partition Your Data: Partitioning your data can drastically reduce the amount of data Athena needs to scan, which in turn reduces your costs.
  • Use Compressed Formats: Storing your data in compressed formats like Parquet or ORC can reduce both storage costs and the amount of data scanned during queries.
  • Optimize Your Queries: Write queries that are efficient and minimize unnecessary data scans. Use SELECT * sparingly and avoid scanning entire tables if possible.

Best Practices

To get the most out of AWS Athena, consider the following best practices:

  1. Leverage AWS Glue Data Catalog: Use AWS Glue to catalog your data. This not only helps manage schema changes but also integrates well with Athena to improve query performance.
  2. Optimize Data Storage Formats: Use columnar storage formats like Parquet or ORC, which are designed to minimize the amount of data scanned by each query. These formats allow Athena to read only the columns it needs, reducing the amount of data processed.
  3. Partition Your Data: Organize your data into partitions (e.g., by date, region, or another relevant attribute). Athena can skip entire partitions that don’t apply to your query, speeding up the process and reducing costs.
  4. Use Bucketing: In cases where partitioning alone isn’t enough, bucketing your data can further optimize query performance by grouping similar data together within partitions.
  5. Monitor and Optimize Queries: Regularly review your query performance and costs using AWS Cost Explorer and Athena’s own query logs. Optimize queries to reduce unnecessary data scans and improve execution times.
  6. Set Up Alerts: Use Amazon CloudWatch and other monitoring tools to set up alerts for unusual query activity, which could help you catch inefficiencies or security issues early.


Amazon Athena is a robust tool for querying large datasets stored in S3, offering flexibility and scalability without the need for complex infrastructure management. Whether you're diving into log analysis, managing a data lake, or simply exploring your data, Athena's serverless architecture and seamless integration with other AWS services make it an essential part of any modern data stack.

By following best practices around data formatting, partitioning, and query optimization, you can maximize the performance and cost-effectiveness of your Athena queries. As AWS continues to evolve, Athena remains a vital tool for unlocking the full potential of your data with minimal overhead.

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