ECS vs EKS: Which AWS Container Service Is Right for You?

August 29, 2024
min read


In today's fast-paced tech world, containerization has become essential for deploying and managing applications. By encapsulating applications and their dependencies into isolated containers, organizations achieve efficiency, scalability, and portability. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers two primary container orchestration services: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). In this blog, we will explore the key differences between ECS and EKS, helping you determine which service is best suited for your application needs and organizational goals.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed service that simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. It integrates deeply with the AWS ecosystem, providing an easy way to run containers both in the cloud and on-premises.

Core Components of Amazon ECS

Source: What is Amazon Elastic Container Service?
  • Clusters: Logical groupings of one or more EC2 instances running containers.
  • Task Definitions: Specifications for container images, port mappings, CPU and memory requirements, and other application settings.
  • Tasks: Instances of a task definition running on container instances.
  • Services: Manage similar tasks, ensuring a specified number of instances are always running.
  • Container Instances: EC2 instances running the ECS agent and hosting containers.
  • Load Balancing: Integrates with AWS Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer to distribute traffic across containers.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a managed service that runs Kubernetes in the AWS cloud and on-premises. In the cloud, EKS handles the availability and scaling of Kubernetes control plane nodes, which manage containers and application availability. It offers the performance and reliability of AWS infrastructure and integrates with AWS networking and security services. On-premises, EKS provides a consistent Kubernetes experience with easy deployment to AWS Outposts, virtual machines, or bare metal servers.

Core Components of Amazon EKS

  • Control Plane: Managed by AWS, it handles scheduling, load balancing, and service discovery. AWS automatically manages its availability, scalability, and health across multiple AWS Availability Zones.
  • Worker Nodes: EC2 instances or AWS Fargate that run containerized applications.
  • Pods: The smallest deployable units in Kubernetes for containerized applications.
  • Services: Expose a set of pods as a network service.
  • Deployments: Manage the number of pod replicas and their updates.
  • Cluster Autoscaler: Automatically adjusts the size of the cluster based on demand.

Comparing ECS and EKS Features

When choosing between Amazon ECS and EKS for container orchestration, it’s crucial to understand how each service aligns with your application's needs and your team’s expertise. This section compares their key features and differences

Cost Analysis and Pricing Factors

When evaluating the costs associated with Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS, it’s important to understand that you’re not paying directly for the services themselves, but rather for the underlying AWS resources they utilize. These resources include compute, storage, data transfer, load balancers, and backups. The only unique cost between ECS and EKS is the additional charge for the EKS control plane, managed by AWS, along with the extended support for outdated EKS clusters.

For this cost analysis, we’ll use the N. Virginia (us-east-1) region as our reference. Here are the specific examples used in our analysis:

  • EC2 Instance Example: one c6g.2xlarge instance with 8 vCPUs and 16 GB of memory  running 24/7.
  • EBS Storage Example: A 200 GB EBS volume
  • Fargate Example: We considered 5 tasks/pods each with 2 vCPUs and 4 GB of memory, running 24/7.

Billed Components

As you can see, if we have 1 EC2 instance running 24/7 (c6g.2xlarge) along with 200 GB of EBS storage, the total monthly cost would be:

  • EC2 instance: $198.56
  • EBS storage: $16.00
  • Load balancer: $16.43 (fixed) + additional variable costs based on usage

Total Monthly Cost: $230.99 + variable costs for load balancer usage

For the Fargate setup with 5 tasks/pods, the total monthly cost would be:

  • Fargate (5 tasks): $355.47
  • Load balancer: $16.43 (fixed) + additional variable costs based on usage

Total Monthly Cost: $371.90 + variable costs for load balancer usage

Use Cases

When selecting between ECS and EKS, consider the following use cases:

CI/CD in ECS and EKS

Source: Automatically build and deploy a Java application to Amazon EKS using a CI/CD pipeline

When working with AWS container services like ECS and EKS, CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment/Delivery) becomes essential for efficient and reliable software development. By automating code integration, testing, and deployment processes, CI/CD pipelines enable teams to push updates more quickly, reduce errors, and maintain consistency across deployments. Leveraging CI/CD within ECS and EKS ensures that your containerized applications can scale and adapt seamlessly while upholding high standards of quality and performance. Let's take a closer look at the options available for implementing CI/CD in both ECS and EKS.

EKS: Utilizing ArgoCD, Helm Charts, and AWS Native CI/CD Tools

  • Kubernetes-Native Tools: EKS offers enhanced flexibility with Kubernetes-native CI/CD tools. ArgoCD supports GitOps-based deployments, enabling declarative configuration management and automated rollouts. Helm Charts are widely used in EKS, allowing for templating and managing complex deployments, ensuring consistent and repeatable processes across different environments.
  • AWS Native CI/CD Services: Both EKS and ECS benefit from seamless integration with AWS native CI/CD services such as AWS CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy. These services automate the build, test, and deployment stages for both container orchestration platforms. CodePipeline manages the entire CI/CD workflow, CodeBuild handles scalable build processes, and CodeDeploy facilitates sophisticated deployment strategies like blue/green and canary deployments. This integration ensures that whether you're working with EKS or ECS, you can leverage the same robust, AWS-managed CI/CD pipeline for your applications.

ECS: Leveraging AWS Native CI/CD Tools

  • AWS Native CI/CD Services: Just like with EKS, ECS seamlessly integrates with AWS CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy to create a fully automated CI/CD pipeline. These tools ensure that ECS deployments benefit from automated builds, tests, and deployments, providing a consistent and scalable workflow. CodePipeline orchestrates the entire CI/CD process, CodeBuild handles the heavy lifting during the build phase, and CodeDeploy ensures smooth updates with minimal downtime through blue/green or canary deployments.

Monitoring and Observability

Source: Monitor Amazon EKS Control Plane metrics using AWS Open Source monitoring services

Effective monitoring and observability are crucial for maintaining the performance, reliability, and health of your applications in both ECS and EKS. Here’s how each service approaches these aspects:

Monitoring for both ECS and EKS can be done with a variety of tools and SaaS platforms; we are just mentioning some of the most commonly used ones.

Monitoring and Observability in EKS

  • Amazon CloudWatch: EKS can be monitored using Amazon CloudWatch for metrics collection, log management, and alerting. CloudWatch provides detailed insights into your Kubernetes clusters' performance, helping you monitor key metrics and maintain high availability.
  • Prometheus and Grafana: With EKS, you have the flexibility to use either the open-source versions of Prometheus and Grafana or their AWS-managed counterparts, AWS Managed Prometheus and AWS Managed Grafana. These tools offer scalable metrics collection and robust visualization, giving you deep insights into your Kubernetes environments. Whether using the open-source or managed versions, Prometheus and Grafana enable effective monitoring of resource usage, performance trends, and troubleshooting.
  • Grafana Promtail and Loki: For log management, you can use Grafana's Promtail and Loki with EKS to collect, aggregate, and query logs from various sources. This combination, both developed by Grafana Labs, ensures effective log monitoring, providing visibility into your application's behavior and allowing for quick identification of potential issues

Monitoring and Observability in ECS

  • Amazon CloudWatch: ECS leverages Amazon CloudWatch for comprehensive monitoring and observability. CloudWatch provides metrics collection, log management, and alerting, offering clear visibility into the performance and health of your ECS clusters and tasks. Custom dashboards and detailed logs help you track key metrics and respond to issues as they arise.
  • AWS X-Ray: For deeper insights into application performance, AWS X-Ray offers tracing and debugging capabilities within ECS. X-Ray helps you pinpoint performance bottlenecks and troubleshoot errors in distributed systems, ensuring your applications run smoothly.

Choosing Between ECS and EKS

When deciding between ECS and EKS, consider the specific needs of your team and applications:

Amazon ECS is well-suited for:

  • Teams with Limited Kubernetes Experience: ECS offers a straightforward container orchestration solution, making it accessible for teams that are less familiar with Kubernetes. Its simplicity reduces the learning curve and allows for quick deployment and management of containerized applications.
  • Applications Tightly Integrated with AWS Services: ECS is deeply integrated with the AWS ecosystem, providing a cohesive environment for applications that rely heavily on other AWS services. This tight integration ensures seamless operation and management within the AWS infrastructure.
  • Prioritizing Simplicity and Cost-Efficiency: ECS simplifies container management, often resulting in lower operational costs for specific workloads. Its close alignment with AWS services can make it more cost-effective, especially for simpler applications that don’t require advanced orchestration features.

Amazon EKS is ideal for:

  • Teams with Strong Kubernetes Expertise: EKS provides access to Kubernetes’s full feature set, making it a powerful tool for teams with deep Kubernetes experience. It allows for advanced configurations and optimizations that can fully leverage Kubernetes’s capabilities.
  • Advanced Container Orchestration Needs: EKS is designed for complex deployment strategies and sophisticated orchestration. If your application requires detailed control over deployments, scaling, and configurations, EKS offers the necessary flexibility and power.
  • Portability Across Cloud Environments: EKS’s compatibility with Kubernetes ensures that applications can be easily moved between different cloud providers or on-premises environments. This portability is crucial for organizations seeking flexibility in their cloud strategies.
  • Leveraging the Kubernetes Ecosystem and Community: EKS allows integration with Kubernetes’s rich ecosystem of tools, plugins, and best practices. It benefits from a vibrant community, providing access to a wide range of resources, support, and innovations. This makes EKS a strong choice for teams looking to fully embrace the Kubernetes ecosystem.


In the rapidly evolving world of cloud computing, choosing the right container orchestration service is critical to optimizing your application’s performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency. AWS offers two powerful options: Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS, each catering to different needs and levels of expertise.

Amazon ECS is a great choice for teams looking for simplicity, especially those who are deeply integrated with AWS services. Its ease of use and cost-effectiveness make it an ideal solution for applications that don’t require the advanced orchestration capabilities of Kubernetes.

On the other hand, Amazon EKS is tailored for teams with strong Kubernetes expertise and applications that demand complex orchestration, high portability, and integration with Kubernetes’s extensive ecosystem. EKS provides the flexibility and power needed for sophisticated deployments across multiple cloud environments.

Ultimately, the decision between ECS and EKS depends on your team’s familiarity with Kubernetes, the complexity of your applications, and your long-term cloud strategy. Whether you prioritize simplicity and integration with AWS, or advanced orchestration and portability, AWS has a solution that can meet your container management needs.

For a deeper dive into Kubernetes, check out our blog titled K3s vs. K8s: Understanding the Differences and Making the Right Choice to explore which Kubernetes distribution could be the best fit for your needs.

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