Cloud Cost Optimization: 19 Techniques and Tips

September 11, 2024
min read


Cloud cost optimization has become an essential practice for businesses navigating the growing complexity of cloud services. As cloud usage expands, so do the associated costs, which can quickly spiral out of control without the right strategies in place. Implementing cost optimization techniques helps organizations reduce expenses, improve financial predictability, and enhance overall operational efficiency. In this blog, we’ll explore various approaches to cloud cost optimization and provide actionable tips to help businesses stay on top of their cloud spending.

What is Cloud Cost Optimization?

There are various movements and communities focused on cloud cost optimization. These groups share strategies, tools, and practices to help businesses make their cloud spending more predictable and efficient. This is important for financial planning and business analysis. Reducing costs is crucial for maintaining efficient business unit economics. It's now a common occurrence for entire businesses to become inefficient due to unexpectedly high cloud expenses.

Why is choosing the right cloud cost optimization technique important?

Cloud cost optimization involves numerous techniques and approaches, which become increasingly complex when dealing with multiple cloud providers. Selecting the appropriate cost optimization strategy is crucial to ensure that the engineering effort invested doesn't outweigh the benefits. The aim is to create an efficient and cost-effective process. In the following sections, we'll outline 19 techniques and tips to optimize your costs.

1. Cloud cost monitoring

Monitoring cloud costs is essential for financial analysis and unit economics efficiency. Consolidating and observing all cloud expenses on a single platform is crucial. This monitoring isn't just vital for observability and alerting—it's also key to fostering accountability among employees who use cloud services. It's essential to build views and dashboards for every team, set up appropriate budgets and alerts, and share these dashboards. This enables each team to track their spending and identify all optimization opportunities quickly.

Correctly attributing cloud costs requires a tagging policy across all cloud providers. However, making sure that resources are correctly tagged can be challenging. There's rarely a one-size-fits-all tagging policy, and when a company reorganizes, resources with old tags become obsolete, necessitating retagging. Retagging of resources can be a complex task for engineers. Fortunately, Cloudchipr offers an elegant solution to this and allows dynamic attribution of resources within Cloudchipr without altering cloud tags.

Coudchipr recommends keeping a few (one or two) tags in the cloud provider and perform the resource attribution within Cloudchipr by using its dynamic attribution rules.

2. Identify and investigate cost anomalies

It is crucial to detect cost anomalies before they escalate into catastrophic figures on the monthly billing invoice. Cloud billing systems are complex, and numerous hidden costs can grow significantly without proper anomaly alerting. The most common unexpected expenses include traffic, logs, data growth, security checks (such as AWS Config), and API requests (such as S3 buckets).

3. Rightsizing of resources

Rightsizing can be both Easy and Hard from the engineering perspective. Rightsizing of instances is usually very easy technically but can require deep analysis of the workload running on the instance. The steps would be

  1. Have the full list of all instances and databases.
  2. Add into the list the CPU, Memory, and Disk I/O metrics for each.
  3. Identify the right instance or database type according to the load for the last 30, 60 or 90 days.
  4. Identify the project and team that is using the resource and get a confirmation that the instance type can be changed or reduced.
  5. Go ahead and execute the rightsizing on all highlighted resources. Remember to have a report on how much you saved and get a Doordash lunch for everyone involved in the process.

Sounds like a lot of work? Yes, but it’s worth it, and with Cloudchipr, you can do all this work exponentially faster, and your team’s Doordash lunch is still on us 😍

4. Identify and act on idle resources

Have usage criteria defined across the organization and identify the underutilized resources. Some resource types can be automatically cleaned up with no engineering effort. For example

  • Unattached EBS volumes, IP Addresses, and Load Balancers older than two days can be snapshotted and deleted automatically.
  • Databases, virtual machines, clusters, and other compute resources should be identified using a metric-based utilization policy, highlighting those outside the policy. These identified idle resources should then be removed or rightsized as described in the third point of this article (Rightsizing of resources).

Cloudchipr supports both identifying and automatically acting on idle resources. It comes pre-configured with utilization rules and lists all underutilized resources across all clouds on one dashboard. With automation workflows, it’s possible to configure different jobs that will auto-clean the dev and testing accounts and will notify for resources found in production accounts.

5. Use services from multiple clouds

Adopting a multi-cloud strategy allows organizations to take advantage of the unique strengths and pricing models offered by different cloud providers, such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. By using services from multiple clouds, businesses can avoid vendor lock-in, ensuring more flexibility and better negotiating power when it comes to pricing. This approach also enables companies to optimize their workloads by selecting the most cost-efficient and performance-oriented services from each provider. Additionally, a multi-cloud strategy can enhance resilience, as distributing workloads across different platforms reduces the risk of downtime from provider-specific issues. However, managing a multi-cloud environment requires careful planning and the right tools to maintain visibility, performance, and cost control.

6. Eliminate shadow cloud

Shadow cloud refers to the use of cloud resources or services by departments or teams within an organization without the knowledge or oversight of IT or finance departments. This lack of visibility can lead to uncontrolled cloud costs, security vulnerabilities, and compliance risks. To eliminate shadow cloud, organizations should establish clear policies for cloud usage, implement centralized governance, and use tools that provide visibility into all cloud resources across departments. Enforcement of tagging policies can help identify unauthorized or unmanaged cloud services. By bringing shadow cloud under centralized management, businesses can optimize their cloud spend, ensure security compliance, and reduce the risk of unexpected costs. Cloudchipr allows you to run automation workflows that check your clouds for shadow cloud resources and notify you in case someone creates a resource without approval.

7. Understand support costs

Hyper scalers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud offer tiered support plans—from basic to enterprise-level—with varying pricing and service levels. While higher-tier plans provide faster response times, dedicated technical assistance, and proactive monitoring, they can significantly increase your cloud costs. To avoid overpaying, it's crucial to enable support only on cloud accounts where it's necessary. Typically, this means disabling support for testing accounts and enabling production accounts.

8. Automate infrastructure rightsizing during provisioning

Using infrastructure as code for resource provisioning is an excellent way to standardize the types and quantities of resources. Additionally, tools like Terracost can proactively estimate infrastructure costs before creation. This allows approval guardrail implementation when the estimated cost exceeds a specified threshold.

9. Delete old backups and review retention timelines

Old backups for Disks and Databases can be deleted or archived and deleted. Retention timelines should be applied and enforced where all old backups should be automatically deleted.

10. Automate shutdowns of unused environments

For non-production accounts, implement rules to automatically stop compute resources that meet specific utilization criteria. This process is streamlined with Cloudchipr and requires only a few clicks. For instance, you can create a job to halt all non-production virtual machines that are over two days old and haven't experienced a CPU spike above 10% in the past 48 hours. A comparable job can be set up for databases as well.

11. Build a culture of cost awareness

Building a culture of cost awareness within your organization is critical for sustained cloud cost optimization. This involves making cloud costs a shared responsibility across teams, from developers to operations and finance. When every team understands the financial impact of their decisions, they can make more informed choices about provisioning resources, optimizing workloads, and leveraging cost-saving opportunities. Encouraging transparency around cloud spending helps teams track costs in real-time, set budgets, and monitor progress against financial targets. Implementing cost monitoring tools, setting up automated alerts for anomalies, and fostering communication between departments ensures that cloud usage aligns with both performance and budgetary goals. Ultimately, a culture of cost awareness promotes continuous optimization and empowers teams to take ownership of their cloud costs, driving more efficient and cost-effective cloud operations. Cloudchipr is the go-to platform for making the team collaboration hyper-effective. Teams can create tickets, set status, or assign resources to people across multiple departments.

12. Schedule resources to reduce cloud costs

There are development and testing resources that can be stopped during night hours and on weekends. Make sure to run “Off Hours” jobs for all compute resources which can be periodically stopped and started. Cloudchipr has a special type of workflow called Off-Hours for precisely this case.

13. Leverage cloud discounts & credits: Pay less

Take advantage of cloud discounts and credits offered by providers. AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud offer several discount programs that can significantly reduce cloud costs. For example,

  1. Reserved Instances and Savings Plans allow you to commit to long-term resource usage in exchange for discounts of up to 75%.
  2. Spot instances provide heavily discounted rates for spare capacity, ideal for non-critical or flexible workloads.
  3. Many cloud providers offer credits through programs like the AWS Activate Program for startups, or Google Cloud’s Free Tier for new users, helping businesses offset costs during their early stages.
  4. Organizations migrating to the cloud can also benefit from the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP), which offers financial incentives for moving workloads to AWS. By leveraging these discounts and credits, businesses can effectively lower their cloud spend while maintaining the performance and scalability they need.
  5. Programs like AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) is designed for large organizations that commit to significant AWS usage, typically over $1 million annually. In return, they offer substantial discounts across services, helping reduce overall cloud costs. The longer the commitment, the greater the savings. The EDP also provides enterprises with dedicated support and strategic guidance, making it a valuable option for those looking to optimize both costs and performance at scale

14. FinOps strategies for continuous improvement

Optimize over time

The FinOps "Crawl, Walk, Run" framework provides a structured, step-by-step approach to adopting best practices for cloud cost management. In the Crawl phase, organizations start by gaining visibility into their cloud spending and usage, establishing foundational control over costs. As they move to the Walk phase, they introduce more advanced management techniques and implement targeted cloud cost optimization strategies.

Finally, in the Run phase, organizations continuously optimize their cloud spend, leveraging advanced tools such as automation and predictive analytics to drive maximum cost efficiency and enhance overall business value.

Use automation tools in your cloud cost optimization strategy

Cloud providers offer tools for monitoring your cloud spending and recommendations for cost-saving opportunities; however, implementing these optimizations often requires significant engineering time and resources, which is expensive. Cloudchipr offers no-code automation workflows where it’s possible to run multiple different automation workflows which will check all your clouds and will notify or act in case there are resources out of the policy.

15. Build cloud-native apps to reduce overhead

Cloud-native architectures leverage microservices, containers, and serverless computing to enable greater flexibility, scalability, and resource efficiency. By designing applications specifically for cloud environments, organizations can minimize the need for over-provisioning and instead use on-demand scaling, ensuring that resources are only consumed when necessary. Cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes and serverless platforms (e.g., AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions) further enhance efficiency by automating scaling and resource allocation based on real-time demand. Be cautious to avoid vendor lock-in. Using cloud-native services unique to a particular cloud provider can lock your infrastructure to that cloud provider. Ensure the use of cloud-native services that are common at least to all hyperscale cloud providers.

16. Evaluate different compute instance types

Evaluating different compute instance types is crucial for optimizing cloud costs and ensuring your workloads run efficiently. Cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud offer a variety of instance types with different compute, storage, and memory configurations. It's essential to conduct proper capacity planning and choose the right instance type for your workload to avoid unnecessary charges. Also choosing the right generation of instances can significantly reduce the costs.

17. Reduce data transfer fees in your cloud environment

Data transfer fees can quickly add up and become a hidden cost driver in cloud environments. These fees are typically incurred when data moves between regions, between different services within the same cloud, or between cloud provider and on-premises systems or other providers. To reduce data transfer fees, organizations should aim to minimize unnecessary data movement by identifying and carefully crafting the architecture. For example, keeping services and resources within the same region can avoid costly cross-region data transfers. Additionally, leveraging cloud-native tools like AWS Direct Connect, Google Cloud Interconnect, or Azure ExpressRoute can provide dedicated, more cost-effective connections for large data transfers. Using data compression techniques and  content delivery networks (CDNs) can also help reduce the volume of data being transferred. Regularly monitoring and optimizing data transfer patterns will further help in controlling these often-overlooked costs.

18. Optimize cloud costs at each stage of the SDLC

Optimizing cloud costs throughout the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) ensures that cost-efficiency is embedded from development to deployment.

Here is the framework:

  • In the planning stage, teams can set cost expectations by forecasting resource usage and aligning project budgets with cloud requirements.
  • During development, developers can use cost-effective environments, such as lower-cost instances and spot instances. Also, development resources can be considered to be turned off and on during night hours and weekends.
  • In the testing phase, automated scaling can be implemented to avoid unnecessary costs, ensuring resources are only active when needed.
  • Deployment can be optimized by leveraging reserved instances for long-term or flexible workloads.

Finally, continuous monitoring and cost analysis tools in maintenance can identify inefficiencies, helping refine resource usage and eliminate waste. Embedding cost optimization into each stage of the SDLC leads to sustained cost reductions and better overall cloud efficiency.

19. Choose the right storage type

Object storage (S3, GCP, Azure blob storage) and Block storage(EBS Volume, GCP, or Azure Disks) are the two most commonly used storage types, and both have different tiers and pricing models.

Object storage

In general, cloud providers charge for object storage based on the tier on which the data is stored (Standard, Archive, etc.), the number of requests to the objects, the amount of traffic processed, and the size of the data stored. It’s important to analyze every storage and

  1. Archive the data that is not used frequently.
  2. Remove outdated and unused data when possible, and implement lifecycle rules to delete data that's no longer needed automatically.
  3. Move the data that is not frequently used to less expensive tiers and implement lifecycle rules to automate that.

Block storage

Cloud providers charge for block storage disks based on the disk size, disk type, and amount of I/O for some disk types, such as AWS provisioned IOPS disks. Here are the key points on how to analyze and optimize the disks

  1. Find unattached disks and delete or snapshot and delete if you are unsure about whether the data is important to keep or not.
  2. Find the old generation disks and upgrade to the newer generation. Please note that this might require moderate engineering effort and that an instance restart is needed.
  3. Disks attached to databases can be more expensive than regular disks. Analyze the databases and archive unused data wherever possible. Reduce disk sizes and automate data archival to prevent future storage growth.


It is vital for businesses to choose the right strategy to ensure engineering efforts don’t outweigh savings. Key strategies include monitoring costs, identifying anomalies, rightsizing resources, choosing appropriate storage types, and automating infrastructure management. Other important practices include eliminating idle resources, leveraging cloud discounts, building a culture of cost awareness, and managing cloud environments through FinOps frameworks. Using multiple cloud providers and cloud-native applications can enhance cost efficiency while avoiding "shadow cloud" and optimizing support costs are also crucial for cost control. Embedding cost optimization into every stage of the software development lifecycle ensures sustained savings. With the right tools and approaches, businesses can align their cloud usage with financial goals, ensuring both operational and economic sustainability. Cloudchipr is an essential tool that provides an integrated solution to streamline these efforts, helping organizations maximize their savings without sacrificing efficiency. It is a cloud cost optimization platform that helps teams to collaborate, plan, and automate their entire cloud-saving processes without engineering time and effort. It’s a beloved tool of many enterprise companies that decided to adopt the cloud cost optimization best practices.

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