Product Updates: May 14, 2024

Cloudchipr is excited to announce a series of updates designed to enhance your experience and streamline your workflows. Our latest features include the addition of "Live Filtered" and Forecast columns in Resource Explorer, a "Largest Cost Changes" widget in Dashboards, a granular cost view option, a Year to Date (YTD) option in the Resource Explorer Date Picker, and the display of missing permissions on the account card.
Dashboards: “Largest Cost Changes” Widget
A "Largest Cost Changes" widget is released, offering the following key features:
- Displays initial increases sorted by percentage change.
- Allows users to switch to view decreases and sort by cost amount change.
- Enables users to select the number of items displayed, with options for 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14 items.
- Provides optional configuration for setting minimum cost change and minimum percentage change thresholds.

Resource Explorer: “Live Filtered” Column
We have added a "Live Filtered" column to the Resource Explorer for all grouping options except for grouping by resources. This optional column displays the "Live Filtered" total for all items on the table highlighting the underutilized space per Service, Product Family, Regions and other groupings.

Resource Explorer and Cost Breakdown Widget: Forecast Columns
We have added a Forecast column to the Resource Explorer and the Cost Breakdown widget.
Users can now choose between the “Forecasted Month-end Cost” and “Forecasted Quarter-end Cost” columns for cost prediction.

Resource Explorer: Granular Cost View
We introduced a granular cost view in the Resource Explorer, allowing users to view cost breakdowns by day over day or month over month break downs. User can switch between the "Total" and "Granular" costs with one click. Costs and trends for each data point are displayed in separate columns, arranged from newest to oldest. The table can show up to 30 data points, with an option to show more if the time range exceeds 30 days. The downloaded CSV contains all data for the selected date range and is Excel-compatible.

Missing Permissions on Account Card
Cloudchipr now displays missing permissions associated with an account directly on the account card via a tooltip. A scrollable list is provided for easier viewing if there are more than 5 missing permissions.

Resource Explorer: YTD Option in Date Picker
All date pickers on Resource Explorer and Dashboards now have a Year to Date (YTD) option.

As always, in addition to the features above, we have released more than 40 Improvements based on the invaluable feedback coming from our users 🙂 ❤️ 🎉